Monday, July 30, 2007

small piece of the 1977 staff photo

From the 1977 staff photo, here's a small crop: at the top, left to right, is Ray Honeywell, Stan "the Man" Treadway, and Carol Wolff; next row from the left is Mike Ketcham, then the VC of Lenape whose name I can't remember, then John Ferris; next row down from left is Halbe Brown and Jerry Piltzer; next row down, again from left, is Jody Davies (later Jody Davis Ketcham), Laurie Cobb, and Debbie Marsh; next row from left is Janet Reis (dark hair), Lynn Rowling and a woman whose name I can't remember; next row down, from left, is Janet Leston (or maybe not), then Mary Fleischauer of Stevens Point, Wis. (our nurse--mom of Kirk, who was also in camp), and our girls' program director Carol Sarabun (partly obscured by the curly-haired woman in front of her).

Stan Treadway probably holds a number of Frost Valley firsts. But let it be said here: Stan was literally the first person ever to come over the top of the Project Adventure wall. I'm going to guess that this was June 20-something, 1977.