This photo is taken in front of cabin 17 in Lenape (currently numbered 14) during the last summer that Lenape resided in that gorgeous spot up the hill (it has since become the home of Hemlock). Frank Goetz, a Swiss international counselor in the 1980s, sent me some wonderful camp pics at least two years ago. I thought I had lost them but just today located them in my files, scanned them, and posted them
here on the web. Frank was a Lenape village mainstay during his time at Frost Valley. In the picture at right, it's the great Lenape staff of summer 1983: top row, Dargie Mombo (VC), Ben Lavelle (ICCP), Flash Gordon; Frank Gotz (in front of Dargie); seated, Dave Gold, Terry Bachus, and Kevin [last name?]. Later, Dave Gold founded "Pac" (Quinnipiac) Village for the oldest boys in Hird Lodge - and still later became a camp director, even though he couldn't carry a tune. ("Buy me a ring / and a Dave Gold that sings / a flute that toots / and a bee that stings...") For more about Frank today, click