The other day I was looking at old photos of Wawayanda campers in the archive here in the "historical room" of the administration office and found several good ones of campers swimming and playing in the cold-water pool just below the Biscuit Creek Falls. Rather than post to this blog an old photo, I decided to walk out to the creek and see if kids were swimming there. Lo and behold: there they were, doing the same thing we've done for five decades: cooling off
fast on a hot day, cavorting, dunking heads under the rushing water coming off those mossy, smoothed wooden planks. I took a photo and here it is. Makes you want to come here and jump in, doesn't it?
When I die let my ashes
flow down Biscuit River.
Let 'em roll on in water
the color of sky.
I'll be halfway to heaven
at a New Wawayanda,
sayin' Wawayanda spirit
it never did die.