Bill Sonsin, who was a camper at the old Johnsonburg, NJ Wawayanda in '56 and '57 and then spent the summers of '58 and '59 at FV as a camper and '61 and '62 as a staff member, recently reconnected to FV through our web site. Bill lived in Minneapolis for many years where he worked as a personal financial advisor. Now retired, he lives in Prescott, Arizona where he does volunteer work, writes a weekly newspaper column on small business, and hikes with a local group, though he admits that his idea of roughing it these days is staying at the Motel 6 instead of the Holiday Inn. Bill still remembers fellow Westfield (NJ) 'ers Bud Cox and Mike Ketcham as well as Dave King, Mike DeVita, Digger Shortt, and Jim Wilkes. (I have been in touch with Jim Wilkes recently. Dave and Shirley King will be visiting Frost Valley this coming weekend. Mike Ketcham directs a beautiful camp on the Sound near Tacoma. And Bud Cox, of course, is still here after all these years.
The image above is the 1962 Boys' Camp staff photo: standing: Dave Tomb, Bill Watts, Alan Cosner, Jim Vlk, Lew Gaston, Noel Acton, John Matukitis, Rick Sanborn, Bill Ford, Tom Squires; 2nd row: Homer McLemore, Joe Adcock, Phil Cornelius, Bob Eilenberger, SAm Townsend, Jesse Booth, Steve Irwin, Rich Real, Bill Starmer; seated: Bill Stout, Bob Kimball, Digger Shortt, Jim Farned, Dave King, Al Parsons, Bruce Bohrer, Mike DeVita, Ralph Holt, Len Cummings; 4th row: Bill Horne, Steve Calbert, Bud Cox, Jack Leitch, Bill Sonsin, Andy Angevine. For more (including a photo of the 1962 Girls' Camp staff, click