Today I spent the day on the phone calling various friends and supporters of Frost Valley. Among them were these old camp friends:
Sven Grotrian, June Kaiser Campbell, Rich Weinberg, Brad Gaver. Brad picked up his phone while he was feeding hay to his horses. He co-runs a horse ranch just west of West Palm Beach in Florida, and does a lot of traveling to teach about horsemanship. (We talked about the possibility that he would come here to Frost Valley to lead a session.) Sven's silvery slightly yodel-like voice reminded me instantly of some wonderful weeks and months we spent together here. Sven started at FV in 1963 and his last summer was '77. Today he reminded me that (a) we roomed together one summer and (b) that for the last two weeks of his last summer he was a Camp Director. Sven's two daughters were both campers here a few years ago. I caught Rich in Maine where he was putting siding on his cabin up there. I hope to talk with him again soon. Rich spent some of his many years here as a counselor in
Lacota, the tipi village. Rich is somewhat in touch with Heather Sachs. We knew June as June Kaiser--hailing from Summit NJ (her brother David and sister Linda both also worked at camp). She is now an attorney in Seattle and lives with her family on Bainbridge Island. Her kids are 16 and 14. I hope to chat with June again in a day or two. The photo above is a picture of June taken at the old horsebarn (aka "the Lazy Nag Corral").