A little while back I mentioned that the
son of Deb Trosvik, who once (1977, I think) was a village chief of Susky, is here again this summer as the VC of Outpost. He is Mike Mensik. Last night--the final night of the session (when as always the village staffs are asked to remain in the village: what we used to call "sleep-in" and what I think they now dub "all in")--I wandered around, visiting the CQ fires in Tacoma, Forest, Hemlock, Sacky, and Outpost. By the time I got to Outpost it was 12:45 am. Mike Mensik was there, filling out evaluation forms and waiting for the rest of his staff to come out of the cabins and back from various conversations (one counselor was discussing a black bear sighting with a camp director up the hill). Mike told me that it was the night for Outpost grilling and he proudly displayed items picked up on someone's day off: burger patties, jumbo shrimp, etc. I was exhausted and yet the thought of shrimp
grilled over a fire, under the stars, on the last night of the session, appealed to me. In the end I didn't stay and it was a good thing: Mike told me this morning that the shrimp wasn't ready to eat until at least an hour later. He also said that "We had a visit from a friend at 2:30 am." He was speaking in front of his campers and by "friend" I knew he meant that village-friendly shrimp-attracted black bear. Above is a photo taken just a few minutes ago of Mike and his cabin. One of the kids is the great-grandson of our long-time friend, Helen Geyer. Helen was the first woman on FV's Board of Trustees and recently made a very generous gift to support the renovation of the old Girls' Dining Hall or Conover-English Hall, now re-named Geyer Hall. Another nice convergence of the FV generations.
Above is Deb Trosvik in the 1977 staff photo.