Frost Valley's partnership with the Tokyo YMCA was an idea hatched in 1979. I'm guessing that the first summer in which Japanese campers joined us at camp in this program was '80. But in '79 the daughter of Emiko and Tatsuo Honma--Kyoko, who was perhaps 14 at the time and spoke almost no English--went on a 2-week Lake Champlain bike trip led by me and June Maiers. Kyoko was a great kid--and loved the experience. From there her parents got to know FV and Halbe Brown and the partnership grew. The Tokyo-FV program has its traditions and continuities--and of course its fervent alumni. A number of these folks came to the September '06 reunion. Misa Abe-Whang was a camper, a Leader, and then an Assistant Program Director, from 1987 through 1994. She writes the following:
Just a quick Hola from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I left my job in Dec. 2006 to live in Argentina to be closer to my husband's family. I have a 3-year-old son who is speaking better Spanish than I am after 6 months here. But I do miss home and plan to go to FV the weekend of July 27. My sister, Miki Abe-Jensen, is a grade school teacher and married too with a 4 year old boy. She also lived in FV for a year doing environmental education. My other sister Mio Abe is currently working at Fox 5 News and is enjoying the single life in NY. We all enjoyed the Big Reunion last fall and are currently helping to organize the 30th anniversary reunion for the Tokyo-FV Partnership (2009). It's so nice to be able to share our love of FV with our kids and can't wait until they're old enough to attend summer camp!
In the photo above the alumni are: Ghen Saito and Miki & Misa Abe.