Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pac man back

Buy me a ring and a Dave Gold that sings.... The Pac VC (later the Hird Director) who couldn't sing a note. Aw well, folks who can't keep a tune can become camp directors. Yes, Dave Gold was here today, dropping off his 9-year-old daughter Lily for session 2. Lily's in cabin 22, Pocohontas. I had the chance to introduce Dave, who was the first-ever VC of Pac in '85, to the current Pac VC, Harry McCormack. It was a good meeting.

Jeff Daly was a CIT when Dave Gold was the director. Jeff remembered that it was Dave who picked up the CITs after their 9-day hike. Jeff, Dave and I have a love of the Mets in common, and Dave noticed that this summer's staff shirt is Met blue and the directors/admininstrative shirts are Met orange. That's for real. Let's go, Mets!

Dave Mager (and his wife Stacey and their two adorable kids) are here all two weeks. Dave will be taking photographs the whole time. The kids will be enrolled in our day camp. That's Mager, shaved head in orange shirt, arm around Gold.