Saturday, July 26, 2008

done with Olympics & 2nd session

Brendan Leonard has been shooting video all summer and is a master at editing it down, putting on an apt soundtrack, and, in all, conveying just the right spirit. Here is the first of two Olympics video montages he's put together.

The "Olympic session" - session 2 - is now done and everyone has scattered to parents' homes, friends' apartments, borrowed digs in The City, for a full 2 days of rest and other not-camp activities. The place closes down completely between 2 and holdover campers at all. The full rest, the complete stop. As I left myself yesterday afternoon, at around 4 PM, there was near total silence in the dining hall, health center, fields. Floors swept, litter picked, tables up, meds locked away, cabin doors closed, lost and found gathered...a bit of directors' radios squawking some last-moment coordinatings, the flag flapping gently in a perfect 5 mph westerly breeze, pointing my car toward Liberty and beyond.