The blogging software I use - provided by Blogger (www.blogger.com) - enables me to see a kind of index of all entries. Since I have coded each entry with mentioned years (both individual years and also decades), I can see how evenly or unevenly I've made entries across the eras. I see that not one entry so far mentions 1964, but why slight '64? It was a very good year....at Wawayanda.
Here is a partial list of staff from that summer:
Mike Braun of Westfield - counselor
Henry A. "Bud" Cox of Westfield - counselor
Sue Cox (Bud's sister) - Castle Girl
Paul Cypert - maintenance director
Mike DeVita of Baltimore - Boys' Camp program director
Sandy DeVita - Assistant Camp Banker
Carol DeVita - Girls' Camp Director
Albert Fey - chef / kitchen manager
Gail Foster - Girls' Camp Program Director
Lynn Garrison of Memphis - VC ++
Bev Gross - counselor
Art Harmon of Roselle - counselor ***
Ralph Holt of Montclair - craft shop director
John Ketcham - counselor
Ray Kremer - "Castle Houseman"
Gerry Lester - nurse
Jeff Mitchell - counselor **
Al Parsons - Boys Camp Director
Richard "Digger" Shortt - CIT director
Bill Starmer - Trail Blazer, counselor
Jack Starmer - counselor
Gordon Weidow of Jacksonville FL - cousenlor
Jim Whyte - Executive Director
Jim Wilkes - Trail Blazer Dir., Assoc Exec Sec'y ****
** Jeff was related to the family that eventually supported the creation of the Mitchell Family Complex (of which Lakeside Lodge and Geyer Hall are a part).
*** Art Harmon was - famously - our Waterfront Director for several summers in the mid to late 1960s. I remember that occasionally Dave King called Art "the water rat" (affectionately, of course).
**** Did you miss the photo of Jim Wilkes in drag?
++ By 1966 or '67, Lynn was our Program Director.