Lee went on to med school, became a doctor and now resides with his family and his practice in the Philadelphia area.
Lee brought his son Elliot to the September '06 reunion and after that it didn't take much to persuade Elliot to come back as a camper this summer. That he did. Above is a photo of the two of them on check-in day on July 1. And here, below, is Lee's eloquent account of his experience as now the parent of a camper:
Well, during Session One I found myself looking online 2,3, or 4 times a day (to paraphrase our local news radio) at the FV web site to find the latest pictures from Outpost village. I would also take time to look at pictures from the other villages, and see the sights and activities from all around camp, and be amazed how much things have not changed in a generation or so. My dream of having my son have the same amazing experience that shaped my life really did come true this summer! And yes, he already has planned out being at camp for four weeks next year, and becoming a CIT when he's old enough....
Since Elliot's return home, I'm looking at your blog about once a week, and still feel quite connected to the whole FV karma. The circle really does continue to go 'round and 'round, just as we used to sing at the closing campfires. One thing that amazes me is the number of alumni sons and daughters that are now campers and staff, and not just from the metro NY area, but all across the country. I think that says a lot about FV, and about both the potential strength and depth of commitment that the
alumni can bring to the table.
I look forward to keeping the circle going.