Thursday, August 16, 2007

total eclipse of the moon, August 16, 1989

Karin Turer, intrigued by my "this very day" approach, remembers a significant Frost Valley event on this very day in 1989. Here is her wonderful memory of it:
On this day way back in 1989 was a total eclipse of the moon, at camp! I guess it was 4th session, and I knew about the eclipse ahead of time and was wondering if I'd get the chance to see it. Lucky for me, it became an actual Evening Activity for that night. We all got our sleeping bags or blankets and the whole Hird (maybe it was the whole camp) went out to Big Tree Field and watched the moon. I think it was extra special because we were out "late" - in any case, it felt late, and it was great because it was essentially a big long "hang-out" time. They gave out snacks and I remember throwing them at each other. It was one of those years where those of us in Sacky had the brother cabin that was maybe 2 years younger. The Windsong girls were annoyed because some of Sacky was hanging out with Pac that session. Whenever I hear stories about seeing the 1969 moon landing while at camp (which is frankly more dramatic and exciting) I always think of this event. Not too dramatic and exciting, but one of the nicest things about camp was laying out in Big Tree after dark.