Friday, July 3, 2015

46 degrees in the morning

One of the many reasons I spend my summers at Frost Valley after all these years - and indeed there are many - is the morning chill. After days of rain, the weather shifted yesterday. Overnight the skies cleared completely and the temps dropped. This morning I was up around camp at 6:30 AM. It felt like a fresh start. The temperature was 46 degrees. The cold cold water of Biscuit flows loudly, 80 feet from where I type this. The streams are full and moving fast. I can hear the horses neighing in the field. Sunrise shadows cast on the old calf barn we've been using as an office for almost 60 years make the relic stone building seem liminal, forgotten. An hour or two from now the whole valley will be full of delighted screams and young and younger people criss-crossing paths and fields. But for now: chilly quiet. Amazing place.

Two beautiful responses: