Thursday, July 16, 2015

do kids at Frost Valley miss their smartphones? I asked them

Do kids at Frost Valley care that we have no cell phone service and no internet connection here? That they can't use their smartphones - that they need to leave them at home? Do they miss checking the iPhone? I was playing Geronimo with Adventure Village this morning and at one point called for all those who had smartphones at home, left them at home, and don't miss them at all - to switch seats. More than half got up and switched seats. A rough sampling, to be sure, but indeed an indication. I'll add that when I talk with kids here - even the 14 and 15 year olds - about whether they would like us someday to install cell phone service, or whether kids someday at camp should be allowed to use their smartphones, they almost unanimously say no. It means they value being disconnected for a time. It seems to add to the connections they feel here aplenty. With all that, why would you need more?