Top row, middle: Bev Gross, counselor of cabin 6 in Susquehanna Village, 1965. This is the cabin that is now numbered 36.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Bonnie Breithaupt and Lolly Hettler (now Lolly Cutler Ketcham)
Bonnie is at left and Lolly at right. Bonnie was the waterfront director and Lolly worked at Arts & Crafts. They are standing at the Ad Office parking lot, with my red Volkswagen behind them and the White Rat (1951 Chevy stake truck) behind the bug.
Geronimo in 1976
Playing Geronimo inside Margetts Lodge in 1976. The building was new and the floor was perfect. These chairs, by the way, are still around and mostly still used!
time to recycle?
Yes, it's nearly October, and about time I recycled the score sheets from the 2014 Challenge Nights. Couldn't resist the urge, first, to scan a few randomly chosen ones from the very thick clipboard full of them. (Click on any image for a larger view.)
Ed Tomb
Ed Tomb (pronounced "Tom") died in 1995 and was memorialized in a 1996 edition of Frost Valley Life. Here's a copy of that note about Ed. Click on the image for a larger view.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Ira Greifer has died
Ira Greifer passed away on September 17. This is a great loss to all of us in the Frost Valley community—not just those who have been associated with, and supported, the Gottscho Kidney Center at Frost Valley, which Dr. Greifer helped created in the mid-1970s, but any FV'er who cares about how we are open to children with chronic illness.
Please see this entry about Dr. Greifer's induction, this August, into the Frost Valley Hall of Fame. There is a full profile of him there.
Here are some other helpful links:
1. a brief obituary
2. the online condolence book (please add your condolence)
3. a YouTube slide show of photos of Ira Greifer over the years
Please see this entry about Dr. Greifer's induction, this August, into the Frost Valley Hall of Fame. There is a full profile of him there.
Here are some other helpful links:
1. a brief obituary
2. the online condolence book (please add your condolence)
3. a YouTube slide show of photos of Ira Greifer over the years
groundbreaking on the Blum Center
Many of Eric Blum's friends—and family, some coming in from the west coast—converged on Frost Valley this weekend for the groundbreaking ceremony on the Blum Center, which (as anyone who has read this blog knows) will be a beautiful new well-equipped staff lounge. Here are some photos taken yesterday as the shovels went into the dirt where Smith Lodge once stood.
And here, courtesy of Mark Gottdenker, is a photo of the special "Grumpy Old Men Blum Center Groundbreaking." As Mark notes, the only grumpy old man missing from the shot is Eric himself.
And here, courtesy of Mark Gottdenker, is a photo of the special "Grumpy Old Men Blum Center Groundbreaking." As Mark notes, the only grumpy old man missing from the shot is Eric himself.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
German counselor gives me a certificate, 1980
Recently I found this simple "certificate of recognition" given to me on August 21, 1980 (the night before the last day of camp that summer - at closing campfire) by Tom Franzkowiak, an unforgettably good counselor from Germany. Tom was a counselor in Forest for three sessions and then, for two weeks during session 4, he was the VC of a one-time-only village of kids who were there to learn the German language (a collaboration between Frost Valley and the Steuben Society). How about that? I was the Camp Director and told Tom he could invent the name of the village. He chose "Winnetou." Winnetou was the fictional Native American hero of a very famous novel in Germany by Karl May. So it's one of the few Native American names Germans would know. Perfect choice. The village had just one cheer, as I recall: "VINN-a-too, VINN-a-too! Ja, ja, ja!"
That summer we had these home-made cheap-o certificates. We made many copies of the blanks and used them for everything - honor camper certificates, archery awards, etc. Tom grabbed one and used it to thank me, and I've kept to this very day.
By the way, I'm still in touch with Tom. He has been involved with special education students in Germany since his two summers at FV, where he specialized in taking remarkably good care of kids on hemodialysis. He was an heroic counselor of one particular kid, who had all kinds of physical problems but maintained a great good cheer: Richie Perez of the Bronx. I'll never forget Tom's coaxing of Richie up to Banks Hill for an overnight. Amazing.
That summer we had these home-made cheap-o certificates. We made many copies of the blanks and used them for everything - honor camper certificates, archery awards, etc. Tom grabbed one and used it to thank me, and I've kept to this very day.
By the way, I'm still in touch with Tom. He has been involved with special education students in Germany since his two summers at FV, where he specialized in taking remarkably good care of kids on hemodialysis. He was an heroic counselor of one particular kid, who had all kinds of physical problems but maintained a great good cheer: Richie Perez of the Bronx. I'll never forget Tom's coaxing of Richie up to Banks Hill for an overnight. Amazing.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Lauren Eufemia Italiano's daughter Allee
When Lauren Eufemia Italiano - she herself a former camper and counselor - picked up Allee she realized instantly that something profound had happened. It was amazing, Lauren wrote me later, "to see Allee walk out of the side dining room in tears because she didn't want to leave. I know this happens with many campers, but it's the first time it's happened for her, and I think is a turning point in her feelings about FV. In fact, as you can see in this picture, she made me sign her up on the spot for four weeks next summer...and wanted her beloved counselor to have a matching shirt as well!"
John Giannotti's totem pole
John Giannotti carved and painted this totem pole during a single two-week session (in 1982, I think). He was the Hird Director and his office was in the first floor of Hird Lodge. He had Chuck White haul a tree to the yard just to the east of the lodge. He set it up on huge sawhorses and spent at least several hours per day carving it. VCs and counselors who needed him to talk about camp issues would stop by. I guess you could call these Totem Pole Office Hours. Anyway, he is one of many photos circulating out there of the pole once it had been completed and put in the ground by the main camp entrance. This photo was taken in around 1986.
dialysis in the 80s
Some photos taken by Lew Reisman around 1986. Lew is a pediatric nephrologist. He became affiliated with our dialysis unit in the early 80s and continued helping us for many years. Recently (see earlier entries) he visited FV to help us honor Ira Greifer.
He lent me some photos and here is a selection:
He lent me some photos and here is a selection:
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Matt Stephenson, son of the dialysis unit coordinator Tamara Stephenson. |
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Tamara Stephenson at left, with Eva Gottscho, and (at right) a member of Eva's board. |
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Photo taken in recent years: Ira Greifer, left, with Lew Reisman. |
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Eric Blum in his first summer - 1986. |
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Kate Westerbeck Lewis
Kate Westerbeck (as she and I reminisced on Friday) was for several years an Iscusfa camper (with her friend Molly Rauch) but at some point (or perhaps on and off through the summers) joined the progression of "regular" villages. I remember her as a camper from her first summer; I recall that she was so young in Iscusfa (the rest of the girls were older) that she was a kind of mascot there. Anyway, I also recall her clearly as an extraordinary Windsong camper. That was long ago. Now, as I've mentioned here in this blog, her daughter Olivia joined the FV family - with a session in Susky cabin 47. Here she is on check-out day, with her mom and dad and her counselors Fiona and Mariel.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
how can we be better?
I sat down with the young adults of STEP village and Pac on the last full day of camp and listened to their ideas for improving Frost Valley. Below is a list - an ample selection from among all their suggestions (which I carefully wrote down):
1. make the Castle bigger
2. more time with sister villages
3. activities with Tokyo camp
4. better acoustics in the dining hall<1>
5. bumpers in the showers so they don't overflow
6. a gym for campers
7. get rid of the geese
8. a boarding school for campers all year<2>
9. a special program for kids with physical disabilities
10. a diving board at the lake
11. swings inside the lodges
12. basketball nets of metal chain (so they last)
13. a pinball machine in every lodge
14. fireworks every Friday night at the lake
15. make the Castle a hotel<3>
16. golf carts
17. water heaters for the lake<4>
18. bacon
19. all cabins handicapped accessible
20. path from pavilion to the wellness center should be paved
21. more juices
22. softer mattresses<5>
23. bring back the water fountain by the laundry
24. an underground parking garage so we don't see any cars at camp<6>
My random notes:
<1> I'm totally on board with this one!
<2> We've talked about this - some version of this - for years, and it is still an active topic.
<3> It was exactly this, in the 1960s. During holdover weekends several times, my parents reserved a room for us. We stayed there Friday through Sunday, were served lunch and dinner, and could call for room service!
<4> In the '60s and '70s this was an ongoing serious-joke. On the first day of camp each session, when all campers took their "dock tests," we were told at flag raising that the water heaters had been working hard all night and that the lake water was warm. We'd dive in for our tests, feel the frigid water, and believe that it was at least warmer than it might be.
<5> Really? I would think harder mattresses would be in order!
<6> Wish it weren't so expensive a project! When the campers and counselors have to walk through a maze of parked cars by the dining hall as they come to meals, I get very sad.
1. make the Castle bigger
2. more time with sister villages
3. activities with Tokyo camp
4. better acoustics in the dining hall<1>
5. bumpers in the showers so they don't overflow
6. a gym for campers
7. get rid of the geese
8. a boarding school for campers all year<2>
9. a special program for kids with physical disabilities
10. a diving board at the lake
11. swings inside the lodges
12. basketball nets of metal chain (so they last)
13. a pinball machine in every lodge
14. fireworks every Friday night at the lake
15. make the Castle a hotel<3>
16. golf carts
17. water heaters for the lake<4>
18. bacon
19. all cabins handicapped accessible
20. path from pavilion to the wellness center should be paved
21. more juices
22. softer mattresses<5>
23. bring back the water fountain by the laundry
24. an underground parking garage so we don't see any cars at camp<6>
My random notes:
<1> I'm totally on board with this one!
<2> We've talked about this - some version of this - for years, and it is still an active topic.
<3> It was exactly this, in the 1960s. During holdover weekends several times, my parents reserved a room for us. We stayed there Friday through Sunday, were served lunch and dinner, and could call for room service!
<4> In the '60s and '70s this was an ongoing serious-joke. On the first day of camp each session, when all campers took their "dock tests," we were told at flag raising that the water heaters had been working hard all night and that the lake water was warm. We'd dive in for our tests, feel the frigid water, and believe that it was at least warmer than it might be.
<5> Really? I would think harder mattresses would be in order!
<6> Wish it weren't so expensive a project! When the campers and counselors have to walk through a maze of parked cars by the dining hall as they come to meals, I get very sad.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Tehuti arrives late, but he arrives
Traffic kept Tehuti Barrett from arriving to pick up his two daughters on time, but that meant he got to make one of his dramatic entrances. He hit bad traffic and the family dog decided to regurgitate twice on the way. His daughters were delighted to see him in any case! I saw them just as I myself was leaving for NYC, so I turned in, gave my former camper a big hug, and snapped this photo.
final grace
Some of the directors lead the staff in the final grace of the summer, accompanied by a guitar even.
alumnae families
David Douglass reunited with his adventure trip leader, Bud Cox
David Douglass was a camper here in the late 60s and early 70s. He went on an adventure trip to the Adirondack Mountains with Bud Cox. David's son - also David - was a CIT here this past month. Dad had no idea Bud Cox was still associated with the camp, but the fact of his having done the adventure trips came up in conversation. And then there was Bud, joining us for breakfast. The two were reunited and spent some time remembering all the details. David said: "Bud Cox! He was an ox. Just an ox. That guy could hike."
goodbye, CITs
Over at the weepy, sad CIT table this morning at the last breakfast: the coordinators are sanguine and proud, the CITs themselves range from mopey to resigned to happily devastated. Several of them reunited with their parents, who were invited to visit us last night for a special CIT parents' dinner at the Castle. In the fourth photo below, the fellow standing is Christian Brady, a next-generation Brady in the family that brought us Nancy, Wendy, Nancy's twin daughters, and others.
the smelliest shoe
Nanase, a Lakota counselor, was called up to be a special one-challenge judge at Challenge Night the other night. The challenge was.....the notorious....smelliest shoe. From this brief video you get a sense of why this challenge is always that hardest for the judges to handle! If the session has been particularly rainy, it can be quite a treat to put one's nose near this footwear.
the last day
The last day. Oddly, I stood on the Castle porch, looking out toward Slide Mountain - it was utterly quiet - very early this morning. And then I remembered that I had made an audio recording of Hird's final hoopla yesterday after lunch. Eleven minutes of passionate crazy chanting and screaming. If staff get enthusiastic about hoopla all summer, this is always a day when they leave nothing on the field, as it were. One cheer after another. Real fans of hoopla - former staff reading this who are nostalgic of that daily moment - will I hope listen to the whole recording. It's 11 minutes long. Then try to imagine my decision to listen to the whole thing as a recording while I stood on looking out from the Castle at the silent Catskills vista. The two together are camp.
LINK to the audio recording of 2014's final hoopla.
LINK to the audio recording of 2014's final hoopla.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
what one Mac Girl can do
Watch what one young lady from Mac Girls can do to inspire a whole dining hall to let go, be free, and dance. The music (by which we clean up tables) began and she got up front and just danced away, free and easy. The effect of her beautiful abandon is subtle, so watch closely for it.
new teaching kitchen
Can't believe camp is almost over and I haven't said anything here about the new teaching kitchen. The program in this remarkable new space is a descendent of the "Incredible Edible House," which dates back to 1980 (created during the height of the Wellness Revolution at FV). The new kitchen, funded by a generous grant from a foundation, is located in the bottom floor of Quirk Lodge (next to Victoria Hall). Campers and counselors go there to learn to cook and eat well. Here's a quick video of the space.
Tehuti Barrett's daughters
Tehuti Barrett (camper in the 80s, staffer later) has two daughters who are in camp now. This is Brianna, in Lakota. She's a happy camper!
breakfast with kids
I just came from breakfast where I dined and conversed with two articulate and fascinating young ladies of Pokey. They are Mika and Cristina. I heard all about their families, their experiences as first-time campers, and many miscellaneous stories. This real conversation was one of the highlights of my summer here, and a simple reminder of what being here is all about. Talking with kids. Even kids this young have clear hopes and fears and dreams and even plans. They care deeply about their parents and are surprisingly knowledgeable about what their parents are going through - jobs, careers, travel, raising a family, caring for elders. They're 8 years old and obviously still quite dependent on adults, but they have the minds and articulateness of people who are ready to grow up and try things out for themselves. Impressive.
One more thing. Both these girls have complex multi-ethnic international families. Mika's family is Moroccan, Israeli and more. Cristina's is Nigerian-Brooklynian (and British), with lots of back and forth, and extended families heading in many directions at once. Both are remarkably interested in their multiple identities and completely comfortable with them. The worldliness of their families, and themselves, is something they deem a natural fact.
One more thing. Both these girls have complex multi-ethnic international families. Mika's family is Moroccan, Israeli and more. Cristina's is Nigerian-Brooklynian (and British), with lots of back and forth, and extended families heading in many directions at once. Both are remarkably interested in their multiple identities and completely comfortable with them. The worldliness of their families, and themselves, is something they deem a natural fact.
say goodbye to Smith Lodge
Just a few days after summer camp ends, Smith Lodge, the old Forstmann-era herdsman's house and for decades our "infirmary" or "health center," will be demolished. And then we will build a gorgeous new staff lounge to be named after Eric Blum - The Blum Center. Earlier posts to this blog tell you about the Blum Center, and earlier this summer I included some photos of the plans. Smith Lodge in its current form is just not much for saving, alas. It's done its job, and then some. It's a wreck. The Blum Center will have the look and style of all our camp buildings, so in a few years the Smith/Blum transition won't seem headline news around here. But as I passed by old Smith on my bike this morning, on my way to breakfast, I felt the need to take one last photo of the place. Or two. Then I noticed that there was a huge hawk standing guard atop the chimney. Eerie and beautiful.
Link: Blum Center plans.
Link: Blum Center plans.
the look, style - no, culture - of being a counselor
Last night one of the challenges at the Susky-Forest Challenge Night was this: "Send up one camper from each team who might pass as a counselor." The young guy in the photo below won't pass because he looks old enough. No, that's not the point of this challenge when it's for Susky and Forest. But the judges and I noted - not just in this boy's case but for all the contestants - that the campers here at FV just know what a counselor looks like, what they say and how they say what they say. "Style" isn't quite the word. Nor "mode." It's a counselor's way of being, I suppose, as expressed in how they look, the accessories they carry around (coffee cup, backpack, Crazy Creek dangling from the pack, water bottle) and a way of standing--an exhausted yet vibrant look (a paradox, I know). That the kids here get it - many of them - creates a heartfulness, a sense that some of them, many of them indeed, will come of age here and stay on for years, passing it on that exhausted persistent vivacity. I'm not overstating this. It's true. It's a look that tells a whole story of generations. Maybe the best phrase is: a culture. May it live long.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
interview (audio recording) of conversation with Dr. Bill Primack and Dr. Rick Kaskel about the early days of Frost Valley's dialysis program
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Rick Kaskel (left) and Bil Primack (right). |
interview (audio recording) of Bev Gross & three of her campers (Jody Davies Ketcham, Debbie Ketcham Goodeve, and Barbie Hale)
HERE is a link to a 19-minute audio recording of the conversation. One topic was the impact and influence felt by the leaderly presence of Bev Gross during the early days of Girls' Camp at Frost Valley in the early 1960s. Another topic was Bev's close friendship with the late John Ketcham.
40 years after the founding of our dialysis program, we honor Dr. Ira Greifer
I've now posted photos and text about three of the four inductees into the Hall of Fame for 2014. The last is Dr. Ira Greifer. Ira is in poor health and was unable to join us at the luncheon ceremony, but tomorrow (Wed., August 20) Jerry Huncosky and Rick Kaskel will visit Ira at home and present the plaque to him there, and will give him a copy of the "Summer Meeting" program, which includes a long profile of Ira and his involvement as a founder of our project to bring kids with chronic kidney disease to camp. Below is the full text of the profile as it appeared in the program.
* * *
Ira Greifer
In 1974-75, Halbe Brown, Eva Gottscho, and Dr. Ira Greifer
came together to co-found The Ruth Gottscho Kidney Center here at Frost Valley.
It was the first of its kind—a program through which children with kidney
disease could safely attend camp alongside healthy children. Eva brought her
Foundation and fierce determination that no child would be forced to look out
of a window and watch other kids going to camp without having the same
opportunity. Halbe brought this magnificent space and his ability to take risks
and his trusting attitude that if “you tell me we can, we will.” And Dr.
Greifer brought the resources of a major New York City academic medical center
along with his pioneering experience as a pediatric nephrologist. It is rare to find such synergy and the three
of them shared the same vision. [Above from left to right: Eva Gottscho, Halbe Brown, Ira Greifer and Bill Primack.]
Such a thing, in so remote a location, had never been tried,
and indeed some thought it was an outlandish idea. Dr. Greifer was at the time
the medical director of the Children’s Kidney Center at Albert Einstein
Hospital of Medicine (now Montefiore), the largest such unit in the northeast
U.S. and the only one in New York State. We must remember that it was only in
1973—just a year before the planning began to create our program—that Medicare
began to pay for the costs of dialysis; it was also a time when it was thought
too technically difficult to provide this type of therapy to children.
With crucial assistance from Dr. William Primack, one of Dr.
Greifer’s first Fellows—his first “ambassador” to Frost Valley for the project—he
worked with Frost Valley’s Chuck White on the careful design of the unit, and
did what today we would be right to consider the miraculous political work of having the new dialysis unit at Frost
Valley designated by the federal government and the State of New York an
official satellite of Einstein Hospital in the Bronx.
In Dr. Ira Greifer this stupendous effort found a person
with an already growing reputation as a true visionary for inclusive global
health in pediatrics—someone who knew medically, institutionally, and ethically
how to extend health care to children whose chronic condition had led many in
hospitals, schools and, alas, even families, to give up on their ever having a
chance to interact with healthy peers. Because of Dr. Greifer’s dauntless
vision, children on hemodialysis—in those days just about as restrictive an
ongoing medical treatment a child could have to endure—not only interacted with
healthy peers at camp, but they swam in a cold mountain lake, played kickball
with everyone else, screamed their village’s cheers after lunch, made real lasting
friendships, found in their counselors supportive and understanding big brothers
and sisters, and—most astonishingly—hiked to overnight campsites and slept out
under the stars, far away from the camp’s medical staff and even further from
understandably protective (and now remarkably gratified) parents and siblings. Dr.
Greifer gave these children, through his vision, the gift of a childhood.
Ira Greifer had entered the field of pediatric nephrology as
it was being defined at Albert Einstein College of Medicine by his mentor Dr.
Henry Barnett. Very soon Dr. Greifer was himself leading the way in his advocacy
on behalf of children’s medical and psycho-social needs (the latter was then a
very new consideration), in his support of research and education in nephrology
and pediatrics generally, and in his hard pushing for legislation to enable
better delivery of health care to kids with chronic illness. He created an
innovative family-centered care project, the famed “Mothering in Hospital
Program”; worked with Senator Jacob Javits to establish the New York State Kidney
Disease Institute; served as medical director of the National Kidney
Foundation; made possible the funding of training fellowships that supported
more than a thousand Fellows; and played a leadership role in the passage of
federal legislation establishing access to dialysis treatment or the
opportunity for transplantation as an equal right. Dr Greifer taught several
generations of Fellows and his wisdom and sense of “the possible” lives on
through them.
With all this going on, and while attaining the position of
Director of Pediatrics at Einstein, he was actively involved in Frost Valley’s
kidney camp program for a quarter century. He would simply not let the
experiment fail, and that was no easy task. Dr. Rick Kaskel, a protégé of Dr.
Greifer, was recruited—at the time Rick might have said exiled; he was forced to go!—to Frost Valley in 1978, and was truly
astonished when he first saw the hard work being done to support the children
while at camp. There were four beds in the unit, each next to a hemodialysis
machine; with fifteen to twenty campers, all at first on hemodialysis, the
doctors, nurses and technicians were dialyzing the campers six days per week,
eight campers per day, each undergoing dialysis treatment every other day.
During camp sessions of more than 16 children, there were double and
occasionally even triple daily shifts. This intense medical service continued
to make mainstreaming at camp possible for these socially and physically
vulnerable children, and then in the 1980s, when new treatment modalities
became available—transplantation, peritoneal dialysis (requiring sterile CAPD
exchanges four times per day)—the capacity of Frost Valley’s kidney
camp-within-a-camp to serve chronically ill kids doubled and tripled, and so
the already revolutionary program was revolutionized still further. [Above: Rafik Ghobrial introduces the induction of Dr. Greifer, as Rick Kaskel waits to receive the plaque, which he will then give to Dr. Greifer in person.]
Frost Valley’s trustees have already honored Halbe & Eva
with induction to the Hall of Fame. It is fitting that the circle is now closed
with the induction of the third of these formidable people. The Board of
Trustees of Frost Valley YMCA takes this time to recognize a world-renowned
leader in pediatrics who has devoted so much insight and energy to the program
here, but it is especially appropriate that his entrance into Frost Valley’s
Hall of Fame coincides with the fortieth
consecutive summer of our kidney program—of the project that was once deemed a
truly impossible dream. That such an impossibility is now considered “just part
of camp” is itself a testament to Dr. Ira Greifer’s true powers of tenacity and
Hall of Fame inductee: Clara Hasbrouck
Here, below, is the text of the profile of Clara Morthland Hasbrouck, who was inducted into the Hall of Fame here on Saturday.
* * *
Clara Hasbrouck
Clara Hasbrouck served for seventeen years as a member of
Frost Valley’s Board of Trustees, after succeeding the influential trusteeship
of her late husband Dr. William E. Morthland. The Frost Valley/Morthland
connection had been made first through the fine art of Catskills trout fishing;
the Working with Woody English, the legendary
President of the Board of that era, she promulgated the commitment to the Castle’s
preservation and its permanent use for schoolchildren and summer campers as a living-learning
lab for encountering local social history.
Morthlands had purchased property in Woodstock and it wasn’t long before they had discovered our beautiful Neversink River, long a mecca for serious fishermen and -women in the area. When Clara succeeded Bill as a trustee, she was asked to take responsibility for sorting through the furnishings of the recently acquired home at the Straus-Guggenheim estate, “the Straus House.” She dispatched that project so selflessly and so well that before long the Forstmann Castle was added to her portfolio. “When I took over the Castle, it was a mess,” she recently recalled. “Draperies were falling off the rods. Everything needed attention. It was a great challenge to me, and I like challenges, and that’s why I developed an enduring interest in the fate of this historically important building.” Working with Marie Hess and Executive Director Halbe Brown, Clara spent arduous days sorting through the Castle attic, removing truckloads of junk, rediscovering important pieces in the dust, and (not incidentally) ridding the place of bats. Clara had been an active member of National Trust for Historic Preservation, and now she persuasively applied its principles of conservancy to Frost Valley’s unique place in Catskills history.
Morthlands had purchased property in Woodstock and it wasn’t long before they had discovered our beautiful Neversink River, long a mecca for serious fishermen and -women in the area. When Clara succeeded Bill as a trustee, she was asked to take responsibility for sorting through the furnishings of the recently acquired home at the Straus-Guggenheim estate, “the Straus House.” She dispatched that project so selflessly and so well that before long the Forstmann Castle was added to her portfolio. “When I took over the Castle, it was a mess,” she recently recalled. “Draperies were falling off the rods. Everything needed attention. It was a great challenge to me, and I like challenges, and that’s why I developed an enduring interest in the fate of this historically important building.” Working with Marie Hess and Executive Director Halbe Brown, Clara spent arduous days sorting through the Castle attic, removing truckloads of junk, rediscovering important pieces in the dust, and (not incidentally) ridding the place of bats. Clara had been an active member of National Trust for Historic Preservation, and now she persuasively applied its principles of conservancy to Frost Valley’s unique place in Catskills history.
Clara was for decades a successful corporate accountant,
holding various positions over the years such as assistant corporate treasurer
and office manager. Later she took clients and directed a thriving personal
accounting business, handling more than a dozen trust funds. Following Dr.
Morthland’s death, Clara married Brigadier General Sherman Hasbrouck, who later
passed away in 2002. Clara retired, remarkably, at 88 years of age. Now a nanogenarian, she has lost none of her
acute interest in what Frost Valley does for children and families. “Frost
Valley has a genuine purpose,” she recently remarked. “It serves adults and
children and does it so well. I want people to know what an inspiration it was
for me to work on behalf of Frost Valley. It was and is a happy place.” [At right: General Sherman Hasbrouck. When he died at 103 years old in 2002, he was the oldest West Point graduate alive.]
Those who visit the Forstmann Castle today will discover a
lovingly conserved and restored mansion—its balconies rebuilt by hand, its
complex roof secure, its grand porch strengthened and renovated, its remarkable
peg-and-groove floors polished and immaculate. As one enters this astonishing
piece of history—all the more astonishing for its being part of a camp—one
encounters, in part, the legacy of a strong woman who knew not just how but
also why she wanted to help. By unanimous vote of the Frost Valley Board of Trustees,
we honor Clara Hasbrouck at her induction into the Frost Valley Hall of Fame
for her unwavering commitment to preservation and stewardship. We note that
when she first saw the state of the old house, her first thought was this: “A
friend in need is a friend indeed.” Today we honor her as a friend indeed—not just a friend of our stately mansion but
of everyone at Frost Valley who cherishes stewardship as a core value.
pizza angel
Last night I drove from Philadelphia back to camp. I figured I'd be arriving at around 10:30 PM so, on the way, I stopped at a pizza place in Middletown, picked up a pepperoni, a mushroom and a chicken pizza. When I arrived I warmed it in the Geyer Hall kitchen's oven and went out looking for needy fourth-session hungry/tired staff. I passed by the program office in Margetts Lodge and saw some hard-working but bedraggled folks there. Stopped in, they said "Hi, Al!" and then their heads went back down to their work. I said, "Do you prefer mushroom, pepperoni, and chicken?" Heads back up. Quizzical looks. "A pizza. Do you want a pizza?" "Here? Now? Really?" "Yes!" "Chicken!!" they shouted. It was warm and ready, and I brought it in. Their moods lightened immediately and we all started talking and laughing. Amazing how little it takes here at camp to make people happy. The video below gives you a sense of it!
Later I did the same at the Hemlock (pepperoni) and Lakota (mushroom) CQ fires. It was delightful. The sky was full of stars, the temperatures cold, the fires raging, and the pizza angel had done his thing. Final-week fun.
Later I did the same at the Hemlock (pepperoni) and Lakota (mushroom) CQ fires. It was delightful. The sky was full of stars, the temperatures cold, the fires raging, and the pizza angel had done his thing. Final-week fun.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Summer Meeting 2014
Below are photos I took at Saturday's "Summer Meeting." The event combines a summertime meeting of the Frost Valley trustees with a ceremonial gathering for lunch - with Hall of Fame inductions, the announcement of the Eric Blum Volunteer of the Year Award (which was given to me this year, a complete and utter honor!), and presentations by campers and staff. The audience consists of trustees and their families, some alumni, the Hall of Fame inductees and/or their families and friends, some parents of summer campers, et alia. The photos of people behind the podium were taken by Dan Weir, by the way; full credit to Dan with his zoom lens!
After the Castle dinner on Friday night, from left to right: Carolyn Shelburn, Rick Kaskel, Bill Primack, me, and Phyllis Kaskel. |
At the luncheon on Saturday: Andy comes over from the Farm and offers a remarkable "Farmer's Market," a cornucopia of veggies from the Farm's gardens. Amazing. |
Jim Ewen (also a close camp friend of Bev Gross) sitting with Carolyn. |
Jeff Daly and Mark Gottdenker. I was pleased to see Eric Blum's dearest friends at the even where I received the award named for Eric. |
Jim Ewen and Bev Gross, dear camp friends seeing each other for the first time in 45 years. |
Lou Reisman and Jane and I took a walk around camp after the luncheon. Here was chatted with leaders of the MAC program, Gail Morris, Rae Nathanson, and Amani Danielian. |
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Nadia gave a talk about her experience as a kidney transplant patient who attended camp as a camper and is now a junior counselor on the staff. It was a beautiful speech! |
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The dialysis crew again. That's Judy Eichinger, Eva Gottscho's daughter, standing to the left (our right) of Rafik. |
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Mike Ketcham talks about his father Frank. |
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Rafik Ghobrial talks about Ira Greifer and miracle of the dialysis program as it was created (with great risks) in 1975. |
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Rick Kaskel accepting Ira's induction on Ira's behalf. |
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Paul Guenther, former long-time Chairman of FV's Board and the major donor to the Guenther Family Wellness Center, introduced my award. It was an honor to have Paul do that. |
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