Sunday, August 11, 2013

opening day, session 4 - a day for recent former staffers to return for a visit

From left to right: Eliza Berman and Steph Bloom, former staffers and lifers, saying hello to Nick Harley (current VC of PAC).

Seth Kallin is at right, visiting us after a few years away. Next to him, from left, are Kat Schneider and Kari Weinglass. Kat was a VC, etc., a few years back and his returned this summer to be the Assistant to the Director of Camping Services; Kari Weinglass, who directed MAC and was involved as staff in MAC for years before that, is back for August, also assisting the directors.

Allie Gendreau, left, CIT Coordinator; and Parker Van Nostrand, right, VC of Forest - happily reunite with long-time camper and staffer (VC and CIT Coordinator) Chrissie Mohle.