Thursday, July 12, 2012

the Order of the Oar

When it's someone's birthday here, we convene....The Order of the Oar. "We are we are we are we are the Order of the Oar - HEY! - We are we are we are we are the Order of the Oar!" - and around the dining hall snakes a Conga line of counselors until they reach the intended celebrant. He or she - in this case, she: Lakota counselor Meghan Foley - is surrounded by hastily summoned members of the Order. They bring her forward. A kind director tells the dining hall full of children - some of them a little worried about what's about to happen - that it's Meghan's birthday and that she has "chosen" to be celebrated in this way. Then some honoree (in this case the birthday girl's brother, Alex Foley) holds the oar above and the birthday celebrant gets tossed into the air - right up against the oar - as many times as she is years old. My video here missed the singing of the preliminary song, but you get the rest. Anyone among the FV lifers who has a summertime birthday knows exactly what this is all about. Stay tuned for the end, when Meghan is called upon to do the Hula Hop. Fun.