Friday, July 20, 2012

the Vescio boys are back - no, their kids are

Last session there were four Vescio children in camp. They were cousins - two and two. Their fathers are John and Chris Vescio, both of them having been campers when I was the camp director here, and both are thrilled to be back involved with summer camp. Chris and his family were already Family Campers. Chris' goal was explicit: bring the kids to Family Camp to get them ready for the day when they would come to summer camp for two weeks. I was delighted to see them again. John is now a NY state trooper and I believe Chris is with an accounting firm. The state trooper stood there in the dining hall, telling his own children that I helped him through his horrible homesickness his first summer at camp; he was just 8. Hilarious when you think of what this guy goes through on the job now. John even remembered my specific anti-homesickness techniques. I should point out: neither his children, nor their cousins, were the least bit homesick. Call them prepared. Above you see Chris Vescio and me.