Tuesday, July 28, 2009

we remember you, Howard

Howard Quirk directed the Victoria Foundation for many years, and was a devoted friend of Frost Valley. After he retired from Victoria he spent a huge amount of his time volunteering at FV. But then he got sick and soon was gone. Quirk Lodge, the newest of the super-lodges, was named after Howard. (It is where Lenape lives in the summer.)

simple old sign

The sign that greeted you at the main entrance to camp - through the early '80s.

fun run

Before a "fun run" for staff, in the late 1970s, stretching in front of Margetts Lodge.

after a Sacky devotion

flip season and view

The perfect inverse of the picture in the previous entry: not summer but winter; not looking at Reflection Pond from Biscuit and Pigeon but from the pond to the lodges. (Courtesy: Ken Nathanson.)

Amazing how many people responded to the Reflection Pond pic. It's an iconic view, for sure.

Monday, July 27, 2009

place for reflection

Reflection Pond, this summer, as seen from across the road, standing between Biscuit and Pigeon Lodges.

Oliverea NY 12462

The other day Bud stopped by where I was working and dumped on my table about 500 sheets of old old Frost Valley half-letter-sized stationery. I remember loving this retro look; it seemed retro even at the time it was designed! Of course I noticed the old address: Oliverea, NY 12462. Now we are Claryville, NY 12725. Oliverea is still on the sign as you turn off Route 28 in Big Indian: "Big Indian / Oliverea." And the old Oliverea post office is still standing--but it's a private residence (of the Van Baren family).

Notice that this design precedes Margetts Lodge. Look closely and see that the building there is the old rec hall. Notice that Hayden Lodge is there, so we can date this between 1970 (Hayden renovation) and 1975 (Margetts). I love the way the boathouse in this squished panorama seems so close to the dining hall.

on The Today Show

On Saturday Frost Valley was featured in a 2-minute Today Show segment on camp hygiene. Click on the image above and watch. Thanks to Ken Nathanson for providing the recording.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Afua Preston

Our Afua Preston (1980s) is featured in the current issue of I-Italy as a proud African-Italian-American: here. I wrote about Afua a while back; read and enjoy.

Friday, July 24, 2009

no better meeting place

The boys of Pac gather under the Big Tree.

amazing maple

The music room in the Castle is vaneered in Birds'-Eye Maple.

tubing on a hot day

Tubing in Biscuit Creek.

another chip off the block

Yes, another daughter of a former camper and staffer is here this summer. Rachel Eisenhauer, a counselor in Sacky and before that longtime camper here, is the daughter of Steve Eisenhauer and 1960s/early 70s lifer (and alumna activist from the late 80s to the present) Sue Ettelman Eisenhauer. Everyone from the 1971-73 era or so will remember Sue for her intense involvement in what I'd very positively call "Girls' Camp culture," something that might sound--as a phrase--trivial but was definitely a deep thing. One of those moments when you just "had to be there" to understand its effect. Here's a photo of Rachel I took yesterday along with her brother-village buddy, Remy Bernstein. Below is a photo of the Ettelman/Eisenhauer clan taken a few years ago at the Geyer Hall dedication. Sue is at bottom left.

if you want to leave I can guarantee / you won't find nobody else like me

The just-mentioned (in the previous entry) closing campfire staged another return of the appropriately beautiful and sentimental song to FV's traditional farewell event. (I credit Kam Kobeissi and Emma Conniff for urging this restoration of quiet feeling to the campfire--a really important way, for some young people, of pondering an actual turning-point.)

Windsong is one village, for sure, that has never flagged in its tradition of bringing good songs to the campfire. Last night the Windsong campers sang a song they'd practiced that afternoon, dedicating it to their counselors - who, in the audio, can be heard legitimately sighing upon hearing the dedication.

The lyrics to the song are below and here is the recording - in mp3 format, and downloadable, and import-able into your iTunes. What self-respecting former camper or staffer - out there in the midst of their non-camp summers - won't want to drag it into iTunes and put it on his or her mp3 player/iPod. Why? Because: Don't know how you met me, you don't know why / You can't turn around and say good-bye / All you know is when I'm with you, I make you free. Couldn't have said it better than that.

- - -

You don't know how you met me, you don't know why
You can't turn around and say good-bye
All you know is when I'm with you, I make you free
And swim through your veins like a fish in the sea

I'm singin' follow me everything is all right
I'll be the one to tuck you in at night
And if you want to leave I can guarantee
You won't find nobody else like me

I'm not worried 'bout the ring you wear
Cuz' as long as no one knows than nobody can care
You're feeling guilty and I'm well aware
But you don't look ashamed and baby, I'm not scared


Wont give you money, I can't give you the sky
You're better off if you don't ask why
I'm not the reason that you go astray and
We'll be all right if you don't ask me to stay

I'll be the one to tuck you in at night
And if you want to leave I can guarantee
You wont find nobody else like me

Don't know how you met me, you don't know why
You can't turn around and say good-bye
All you know is when I'm with you, I make you free
And swim through your veins like a fish in the sea

- - -

The photo above was taken last night at this campfire, but is not Windsong; it's Mac Boys staff singing "Wee-ma-way" by The Weavers, with lyrics specially adapted to say farewell to their remarkably venturesome campers.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

thank the lord for the roof that's over you

1960s closing campfire favorite makes a return.

Tom Paxton's "Can't Help But Wonder Where I'm Bound" was a favorite song around here from around the time of its release in the early 60s through at least the late 70s. I can remember singing it, guitars a-strummin', around campfires on hiking trips and around CQ fires and of course at closing campfires. This week I teamed up with a Windsong camper, the very talented Kira Metcalf-Oshinsky, and prepared to sing it at this session's closing campfire. We sang it tonight and here is a recording. Our voices are compromised somewhat by post-Olympic strain, but the "voice comes ringing through" (as the song goes) nonetheless.

Above is a photo taken at the CIT Point campfire just before the campers arrived.

Here are the lyrics (and chords) to the Paxton song.

we'll be on The Today Show

NBC Today Show producer Kim Cornett visited today for much of the day. She interviewed our fabulous CEO Jerry Huncosky (see photo).

She and her colleagues had seen other coverage (e.g. NY Times) of the remarkably effective measures we've taken here to prevent the spread of illness among campers and staff. Not surprisingly, once she got here and got a sense of the people and the program, she took in the whole scene and seemed to love every minute. At lunch she filmed Wawayanda's hoopla and I'll be very surprised if some of that footage didn't make it into the piece she's producing.

The piece should be about 2.5 minutes long and will air on Saturday morning between 7 AM and 9 AM; it will be followed by a live interview with “a health official.”

K.'s song

Notwithstanding the aforementioned Challenge Night and visit to Out-trip, my favorite moment here yesterday was almost entirely incidental - a passing matter. Here it is. End of the afternoon, and I was putting a few things away before going up to the dining hall for dinner. I'm here in the office where there's wi-fi - an internet connection that as you can imagine is a magnet for staff who are otherwise going electronic cold turkey. (Which is, to be sure, a GOOD thing, most of them agree.) So it wasn't a surprise that a counselor wandered in with his iPhone or iTouch. It was Will Ferris - a counselor here this summer and son of Jan Gikner Ferris and John Ferris, who were both on the staff here in the late 70s and early 80s, who wed nearby (at Rudi's) and now live in Vermont. Will is working with Mac Boys this summer. So Will wandered in her, caught a ride on the wi-fi connectivity, and started to search iTunes for a download. I asked him what and why.

The Mac Boys camper K. has been singing and talking about a particular song for the past two weeks, pretty much non-stop. Will and probably the other staff have been trying to figure out what song it is. Apparently there was a breakthrough realization yesterday and Will ran here to download the song, so they could play it for K. and the others before the session was done.

This story's telling would have a more satisfying ending if I knew the name of the song and could say it here. I know it's a song performed by Keke Palmer.

Meantime, what I love about this is of course the extra mile counselors go. You should have seen Will's expression as he described the tale of the favorite song and his camper's efforts to make his passionate preference clear to all.

winnin' song, good guitar

Kieran (a counselor from England) teaches a guitar specialty on a gorgeous sunny day recently, in the shade by Biscuit Creek.

same as it ever was

Any former camper or staff member who spent time here between 1961* and now will instantly (or almost instantly) know this scene: yes, it's Sunday morning at the Wawayanda chapel. The shot was taken as I walked up the steep path to the chapel through the woods, while the morning reflection was already in progress.

- - -

* That was the year the Kilbourne Chapel was built here. (A chapel area of the same name was at the Old Wawayanda site at Andover, according to a map that is hung on the Ad Office wall right behind me where I type this now.)

passing as counselors

At a thrilling Lenape/Tacoma Challenge Night last night, one of the challenges was this: the camper most likely to pass as a counselor. These kids really do know the standard staff member's accessories. There's the carry-everywhere coffee mug. The hat strung on the neck, ready for any period-long dose of hot sun. The backpack full: clipboard, bag of lozenges, extra weekly schedules, flashlight, bug spray. Oversized sunglasses. Odd combination of colors and clothing types. In fact the Tacoma girl at far left was already wearing--as it happens--the dress of a counselor from another village. (Huh?) Of course the older you are around here the more likely you're genuinely going to confuse a teenaged camper with a JC. Of course the real difference is in the head and heart. The most camper-like JC assigned to Pokey-Totem--looking perhaps younger than any of these four--turns out to have the sophistication and nuanced sense of responsibility of many another American 40-year-old. That's true.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

a visit to out-trip

A few minutes ago I ran into my dear pal Ellie Kane who asked me to help her pack Lakota's overnight. So I did and it gave me my first close look at Out-trip in its new setting and mode. Click on the video and you'll get a quickie tour: yes, Out-trip is now in the back of Smith, formerly the dialysis unit. Perfect spot for it, I must say. And Ellie herself lives this summer in the old paymaster's house (sometimes known as the "Flyfishing Shack," so named because for maybe three or four summers it housed flyfishing equipment and was home base for a little-used summer program), so she's often nearby.

three strong voices

Serenading campers arriving at Hird closing campfire, session 1 - rehearsing our three-part harmonies for "Four Strong Winds." Photo by Sandy Shapiro Bohn.

1970 camper in 2009

A camper from 1970 found us again and stopped in at the Ad Office the other day. Later, after reading around in this blog, he wrote: "Lots of memories here. There's so much to remember about Camp Wawayanda I feel I could write a book about it's impact on my life. I attended the Camp in August 1970 and had Jim Rosak as my Cabin Leader. He would tell us stories about the castle! I recall the Olympic event and playing archery and how great the food was in camp after a full day's activity. Every morning it was that walk out to the cafeteria, back to the cabin then off to the "Waterfront" for swimming or canoeing."

kid-grown local food

Have you visited our Farm Camp? No? Holy cow, why not? It's utterly remarkable. Click here for much more. Meantime, here's a message that went out to all the FV staff this morning from John Chartier, the director of the farm program:
The farm campers dug 150 pounds of potatoes this week! I am putting about 20 small bags of them in admin for you to buy. The rest we are going to either use at the farm or sell to parents at check-out.

In case you didn't know the money from farm produce/egg sales are used to fund the Farm's partnership with the YMCA of Madagascar. The YMCA of Madagascar offers agricultural programming to help the farmers there adapt more sustainable and productive agricultural practices. We have supported this partnership out of farm camper revenue the past few years and would like the $1500 that we send them this year to be 100% supported by veggie and egg revenue. Coming soon there will be sweet corn! I hope that you all enjoy the kid-grown local food.

post-O mode

Ah, but before I go back to Sunday/Monday's Olympics, let me first present this priceless pic - of a Pokey girl at breakfast yesterday, the morning after Olympics. She was not unhappy (I spoke with her at some length) - just tired and not quite ready to move on. By the end of breakfast, you'll be pleased and not surprised to know, she perked up and was skipping out of the DH with her buddies. Clean up, wake up, see what the sunshine brings. That's the post-O mode.

the big O

The 2009 FV Olympics are covered amply on the Frost Valley summer camp blog here. Check out photos of the team shirts and video of various of the teams in action, including Chile which won the coveted spirit award. I'll be back sometime today, I hope, with a longer entry presenting my particular p.o.v. on the fab event. Which is to say: this year I asked to be on one of the teams rather than the host country. The program director, Mike Obremski (kudos to Mike and Megan L. and Matt on putting on such a great show), suggested that Wales might use me to advantage so it was to Wales I went. W-A! L-E-S! Wales is the best.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jake at the front

Jake Kerr is featured in a news video on the war in Afganistan. Jake, the son of Leslie Black and Doug Kerr, grew up at Frost Valley.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

free and easy

Abdou from Senegal is not just a kindly and wonderfully skilled counselor (in Pac this summer) but he's become a popular figure with a huge fan base. No joke. People are so instantly delighted with him that his very presence ignites chants of "Ab-DOO! Ab-DOO!" as he makes his modest way through camp. He's always smiling. He's infinitely polite. Two days ago was his birthday and yesterday I walked into lunch only to see him dancing to a sweet flowy sort of song playing through the speakers. Gee, he must have danced like that - a fluid-motion sort of funky dancing - for several minutes as everyone smiled and clapped. A few of the Mac Boys joined in. I took many pictures of this mesmerizingly happy moment and here are two.

Is this freedom (feeling free)? I think it is.

over at the farm

Told my 2009 story - "The Six Legends of Bud Cox" - to the campers and staff at the Farm last night. This summer we've set up two new yurts (I still love typing that word) and so the program is a bit larger than in the past. But still very intimate. I mean, there's not much else going on over there in the East Valley of the Neversink. Yes, Straus, but it's quiet with mostly elderhostel groups (for whom the aforementioned Bud sometimes leads hike), and of course the road past Claryville is dotted with residents' houses but by 8:30 PM on a summer evening folks are gathering things up for the eve and heading indoors. The drive over there really is a trip into a previous century. While the farm operates in 21st-century style (hygiene, etc.) the look and feel of the place is....well...let's say, 1901-ish. That seems right and of course it's an apt date because that's the year the camp began - Wawayanda, I mean. Although farming was not the purpose of Charles R. Scott in 1901 when he took some campers with him to the wilds of Sussex Country NJ, I'll submit that tent-camping and tramping (hiking) was to Scott and 1901 as farming is now to the leaders of the Farm project at FV in 2009. It's the throwback, back-to-elements activity that induces some real thought about our connection to the land we stand on (not to mention the sky above us) that accomplishes what Scott wanted to accomplish in luring the urban and suburban boys away to the woods and big lake for the summer. So I'm saying: this Farm thing is really at the heart of what we are and do--which is to say, more directly: it's not peripheral, not an add-on, but really vital.

The story-telling? Oh, it went so well! I'm getting better at telling this particular tale, but that's not it. It's the atmosphere, the set-up, the mood, the weather, just the right campfire, stars above, attention by the staff, right level of tiredness (not too much) among the kids. In the right frame, one can keep the attention of theswe 2009-era children for an hour straight. And I did.

Bill Abbott and Bob Messick (board members who'd stayed after the meeting) came over too and joined around the circle.

wrapping oneself in the Olympic flag

Olympic mania begins anew. This afternoon it begins. Teams gather for the afternoon and evening - and, my oh my the weather is perfect: sunny but breezy and cool. Tonight the opening ceremonies, tomorrow the "games," tomorrow evening the pageant. Maybe all of it outdoors this summer, finally, after a stint of rain-hampered festivities. Yesterday, there wasn't quite yet lots of buzz, but here and there yes. On some kind of bet or dare, the program director sought experimentally to name someone in the FV administration a Head Coach...and found Jim Tisch, our CFO, who really actually truly will lead the team from Wales. (This I want to see.) And then there was the buzzy presence in the dining hall yesterday of Matt, the crackerjack new assistant to the program directors, who wrapped himself (literally but also by now figuratively) in the Olympic flag.

the family

Steve Cornman (camper & CIT, '70s) --> Helen Cornman (camper, counselor, VC, director, '80s) --> Dan Weir (counselor, VC, director, late 90s/'00s). I've remarked here and there in this blog over the months and years about this FV family. Happily, since I like them all. I'm particularly a fan of Dan this morning, after his superb presentation yesterday to the FV Board of Trustees who met for our annual at-camp meeting, under a tent set up at Reflection Pond. Dan's younger sister Liz is in camp this session, so Dan's family gathered at the beginning of the session. That's when the photo here was taken.

Elsewhere in this blog:

[] Helen Cornman & David Sunshine

[] legacies

[] Wawayanda in good hands

alum kids come of age

Yesterday, Hird flag raising, run by Windsong with Pac looking closely on. There are three alumni kids in Windsong/Pac and you can glimpse all three here: Amanda Tilles (speaking at the moment I took the shot, in white top), Sam Nathanson (bearded, dark shirt, center of the pic), and my daughter Hannah (yellow top, backpack).

come dine with Julius

Early photo of the Castle dining room.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

one legend isn't enough

This summer I've been telling a story called "The Six Legends of Bud Cox." I won't say any more about the story here, but most readers can fairly well imagine what it might consist of. There's a t-shirt that goes along with the story, and here is Willie, VC of Outpost, modelling it. In Wawayanda black and orange, it says: "ask me about the six legends of Bud Cox," with an image of my own W-1 patch inserted in there. Tonight I'll drive to the farm, arriving at 8:30, to tell a story there. I always love the story-telling atmosphere there: a road almost no one travels, so it's quiet; a great open field with a fire-ring and (tonight, anyway) the stars above; super-attentive kids, exhausted and ready to listen after a day of weeding, tending livestock, cooking produce, etc.

The ubiquitous telling of this story has re-made Bud a legand for the campers, who in recent years have seen Bud around but not been able to make sense of who he is and was. Now every camper in the place runs up to Bud when he walks by, running and screaming after him as if he were the Beatles. I think Bud kinda likes that.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Challenge Night redux

Windsong-Pac Challenge Night last night. A distinguished panel of judges: Kam Kobeissi, Jeff Daly, Dan Goldman, Megan Lawrence, and Kelly Hupp. Since there were five teams, the judges sent up a rep--Kam--to fill out the bracket in the Hunker Hawser competition. The proud winner of the FV History Quiz won a cherished prize: a mint-condition staff shirt from the 1960s. (Can anyone tell me the exact date of the shirt?)

Castle c. 1916

Photograph of the Castle looked at from the east-side garden. The rose gardens have just been put in. The picture was made not long after the building was completed in 1916. Today those gardens are gone (others--on Memorial Island--remain, though) and the spot is now a soft lawn of green grass, bordered on the back by perennial flowering bushes put in by Diana Larison and others in recent years.


Some Hemlock counselors and campers were walking past Reflection Pond yesterday, on their way to the Castle. They noticed that one of the logs had come off its mooring on a carved-out stump. No one said a thing. They wordlessly knew the little project ahead. Together they lifted the very heavy hemlock trunk and put it back in place, and then continued on their way. The counselor--responsible for the good communal attitude of these boys, I think--is Chris Young. Came to us from another camp last summer, Penn State University student, and all-round good guy.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Forest toasts

I joined a cabin in Forest for breakfast this morning. Counselors are Sam and Dave. Dave - David Sedden of England, and an avid reader of this blog - is the Village Chief, second summer at that position. (My instinct is that Dave is a future leader around here if he sticks with it.) Anyway, I was chatting with the boys and eating my cereal (Raisin Bran from the cereal dispenser, with some granola sprinkled on top, 0%-fat milk - but also a breakfast sausage and a few potato nugget-like thingies - and a mug of my own very strong coffee made at home) when suddenly Dave says to the group: "Okay, who's the waiter this morning." One boy raises his hand. "Well, then, you lead the toast." We all stood up. Raised our glasses of apple juice - I my mug - and the young man made a toast as follows: "I hope we have a healthful day." After we sat again, I asked Dave about this. He explained. I made an audio recording, so hear his reasons for the innovation. I like it.

The photo here shows three Forest boys on their way out after the meal. The boy at left, with the eyeglasses, is Benjamin Wechter, the son of our 1980s guy and active alum, Eric Wechter.

I dare you to be insanely dedicated

Being "on call" can be a lonely late-night business. The summer camp directors here rotate through a two-week schedule; each night two of them - or others at that level of experience/responsibility - walk around, walkie-talkies at the belt, and check out every village and most of the main camp buildings, usually finishing at 2 AM. Last night Jeff Daly, our Director of Camping, the big mahaff, contemplated his on-call night ahead and decided to call his old pal Brian Butler, and said on the phone: "I dare you to drive up here and join me for on-call tonight." It was 9 pm. Butler had done a long day's work in New Jersey. He had to be back in the morning for another work day. His days' off are limited and anyway he was in a company car. But, being Butler (the title of this blog entry should really be "Being Butler"), he took the dare, and drove up. Arrived at 11:15 or so. They joined Dan Weir, just back from his own day off, for a bit of grilled steak and pre-On Call warm-ups. I was driving by, on my way back from a CQ fire, having told stories to Forest and then Outpost, and noticed the little steak-smelling cozy enclave. Stopped and there was Butler. The conversation that followed has been recorded and I present it feelingfully here . Have a listen , and I'm going to suggest that you follow your dearest friends' dares, wherein a night's happiness lies.

not afraid to fail

The thing about this project--this place, this idea, this somewhat planned and somewhat accidental legacy--is that people learn how to risk failure in order to have some free and even wild fun. In a word (is this the right word?) venturesomeness. Challenge Night is hardly the best instance of it, but it is an occasion where I at least can put forward the idea that failure is necessary to growth and success--that it's okay to fail. Etc. Simple stuff. I've been running Challenge Nights for the various villages this week (and will again next). Each one has a different flavor and cast. But the free-to-fail spirit pervades all. I mentioned this in a recent posting about Challege Night; take a look. I've made my usual Challenge Night t-shirts and give them to my volunteer VIP judges but also occasionally to a camper or staff winner. Here is a Forest boy proudly displaying his Adult Small "Al's Challenge Night" t-shirt, with the epigraph on back. Click on the image to enlarge, and read.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


On the first day of every session, all day long, villages meet the program staff at the Olympic Circle for what's called (I think) specialty split-up or specialty sign-up. It's quite a system. One program staff person from each specialty area steps forward, in turn, and presents (in excited terms--"ballyhoo") what fun you will have at this or that particular program area. Then the kids decide which activity to choose, whereupon they go every day for four or five days.

CITs out

Here's Nikki, a longtime camper, now a CIT, getting a last drink of dining hall water before she and her colleagues leave on their long backpacking trip. Yesterday. It was a cool, sunny day--perfect for the first day on the trail for these future counselors.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Arabic spoken here

Rafik has been briefly visiting, along with his wife Kathy; their daughter Katey is a counselor in Sacky this summer. Readers of this blog will remember the Rafik was a 19-year-old Egyptian international counselor in '76 and came back as VC in '77 and '78, maybe '79 too. Now an eminent liver transplant surgeon based on Houston and L.A. We were walking on this gorgeous first day of the session and ran into Sara, a staff member who works in Arts & Crafts. Sara and her sister are from Egypt. Next thing you know an animated conversation in Arabic is taking place on the Olympic Circle. A bit later we visited the dialysis unit, of special interest to Rafik, whose interest in medicine (and trans- plantation in particular) was ignited here in the early days of our kidney program. We are hoping Rafik and Kathy will return for a whole week next summer.


It seems counterintuitive to present "hoopla" (after-lunch cheers, shouts, chants) in photographs. I took some video and might get that up later but meantime I really think these images give you the (ahem.....) accurate picture of the scene. This was the final lunch of session 1, last Thursday. The loudest, or at least happiest and most spirited, hoopla I've heard in some years. I especially enjoyed how the villages supported each other--cheering each other's cheers, and building one on the next. And I loved the way the directors, instead of standing around waiting for it all to end so that announcements could be made and the next activity period gotten to, danced to the beat of the organized chaos.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

comes a time: camper to staff

CIT Point, Thursday night. Sky had partly cleared, Kam Kobeissi, Hird's director, kept adding big logs to fire. It roared and the campers and staff started into it, looking out over the quiet lake at dusk. They were asked to come in quietly, and did. Amazing. Session 1's CC isn't always the most sentimental. But this one had its many moments. Kam paid attention to a few key solemn details and it worked. Yes, it's true that the Hemlock staff did a skit-like song, in which, at each chorus, which was something about how we were going to do something "once again," two of them ran to the lake and jumped in (cold!). But even in this antic contribution, they finally all stood in the water, arm in arm, singing the chorus. Even the craziest non-CC-style stunt had its sentiment. The girls of Windsong, all of them in their final year as campers, sang a song by Youth Group called "Forever Young" (not, to be sure, the Dylan lyric of that title--also apt for CC). If you click here you can hear a recording of this good moment. Afterwards, the Windsong and Pac campers and staff went up to the old Wawayanda chapel for a vespers during which many of them spoke individually about the big transition ahead. Good stuff. It makes you want to be forever young.

Forever young I want to be forever young,
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, forever
Forever young, I want to be forever young,
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, forever
Forever young, I want to be forever young,
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, forever
Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, forever...

started at Old Wawayanda in '56

"I was a camper at the old Wawayanda in Johnsonburg, NJ in 1956 and 57 and at FV in 1958 and 59. After a year's absence to attend the Boy Scout Jamboree in 1960, I returned to FV in 1961 and 62 as a staff member. I enjoy these newsletters and Al Filreis's blog. Most of the names are unfamiliar and much as changed but as I look at the pictures of today's campers, one thing definitely has not changed. The smiles and happy expressions say that FV is still a GREAT place to spend some or all of your summer when you're a kid. What a fabulous place!"--Bill Sonsin, Prescott AZ

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

bemused over "alternative"

Yes, tonight was spaghetti night. Most kids on this night eat without utensils--quite a tradition. Anyway, an "vegetarian alternative" is soy meatballs. This Susky counselor tried her hand at one, but then gave up in semi-despair. Her facial expression tells it all.