Here is Jim Neilson, whose two daughters are in camp this session:
I’m so glad that you are there – for me the circle is complete. I was looking forward to last Sunday’s visit, oh, let’s say for about six months. Part of me just wanted to walk the paths (Dining Hall to Lenape) that I walked so many years ago but mostly to start the girls (Leah and Brea) off on their own FV experiences. You were “on the money” when you thanked my wife for her patience for having listened to all the old FV stories. It’s been a dinner time ritual for me to describe all those things that you can only do at FV (rockhopping down the Pigeon, climbing Mt Hayden, camp cheers, overnights, etc). OK, some of those things have changed and probably for the better. As a camper in Lenape, I remember our cabin trying to ride the unicycles near Biscuit Lodge but no one actually venturing too far past the parallel bars. Remember “Gold Rush Day” ? Was it ’78 or ’79? I’m guessing that the staff was up late the night before spray painting all the rocks that Chuck White wanted removed from the trails/roads/paths. The staff must have gotten a chuckle out of watching a 110 lb kid carry a 20 lb spray painted rock from the waterfront to the laundry building.
Like you said, the buildings are new but the old FV spirit is still there. I can see it in the faces on the daily photos. I’m eager to see if FV is going to take hold with my girls. Leah (Sacky) wrote a glowing letter about her cabin mates and learning new cheers. Brea (Susky), well, she sounds homesick. Luckily, Jeanne and I just saw some new photos of her with her arms draped around some new friends – smiling.
FV has a lot to offer the girls. It gave me a lot. It enabled me to grow with the program from resident camp to adventure trips (with Val and Ray), JC and then Counselor. It was an oasis at a time when home was a bit stormy, it offered great friendships, respect for nature, a love for the outdoors and an opportunity to exercise some responsibility under some very kind VC’s (Dave Allen and Gregg Aggs).
As I scan the photos [of my time at FV], I can say that I am so glad that you are there to share your experiences with the campers and staff. When we go hiking as a family, I won’t be the only one singing “Going on a Lion Hunt”. I don’t know if you plan on spending more summers at Frost Valley but I sure hope you do.