Left to right top 2 rows standing: Barb Bartis, Eileen Barnes, Liz Horne, ???, Karen Lordi, Eric Wechter (with head to the side), ?, Adam Diamond, Keara Giannotti, Denise Gherardi, Glen Dombeck behind them, ??? Afua Preston, Chris Roper, Carlos Ayesa, Jen Dykes (behind Afua), Susie Sunshine, Eric Blum, ??? Frank DeGraw, Matt Stephenson, Todd Watson, ?, PR McCullum, Rick Wormeli, ???, Johnny Bostick, Nancy Eufemia, David Sunshine, Terry Murray, Lauren Eufemia in front of Rick Wormeli with dark hair.
Ian Sunshine I think squatting in front of Eileen Barnes, then Sarah Robin, Rachel Matthews and Carol Wright are in front of Adam Diamond, ?, Helen Cornman, Amy Rawlings, Strawberry (Paul Geiger), Dave Bieler in sunglasses and bb cap, then all the way 2nd from right is Amy Sunshine
front row-ish: Todd DeMelle in center, Abby Kantrowitz, Tanya Komandt behind Abby, Lillian Roundtree, Liz Cruikshank, Kenny Clark hidden by Liz behind her, Tamara Stephenson is all the way 2nd from right.
Kristen Kurowskin in front row and Jeff Shumate (sp) in back row?
Eileen Bradley and Jenni DeMelle are in the back row to the right and
behind Eric Blum. Not sure who's to the right of Rick Wormeli but next
to him is Zac Carey (from Woodstock). Kristen Kurowskin is in the front row (two to the left of Todd DeMelle) and Dave Gold is behind Kristen just to the left.
86 was my first year at camp and I think I am in the back of the picture
(being one of these tall scandinavian women)to the right from Chris
Dombeck and behind a short girl with long hair. I seem to remember lots of
names and faces though I have been looking for John Holoviac (?)who turned
out to be a very special camp friend. He lend his car to Liz Horne,
Australia and I so that we could go on tour all around the USA for 2
months right after camp. What a co-counselor!!
(Also I miss the legendary Colin Hill of Manchester, England who is still
my very good friend)