Here's some perspective on this view. Behind you is the dining hall--maybe 200 yards behind where the taker of this picture (my father?) was standing. The dirt road that goes off to the right no longer exists; it's now a grassy field, sloping down in front of Hussey Lodge. The cabin to the front right is Forest, cabin 6 (next to the telephone pole). The power lines are buried now and cabin 6 itself has been moved. To the left is cabin 7; that's where Hussey Lodge is now. To the left off screen were cabins 8 and 9, and directly to the left of this view was cabin 10. Cabins 9 and 10 (I believe now called A and B) are still there--serving as year-round staff housing. So 6 through 10 was Forest, right there on the lower flat to the east of the dining hall.
In the photo, a tick to the left of dead center, you see three cabins in the distance. They are cabins 5, 4 and 3 - Totem Village. Cabin 2 is obscured by cabin 6, and cabin 1 was out of the frame off to the right. The road to the right went all the way down to cabin 1, then past and down the hill (with "Hogan's woodpile" to the right) toward Pigeon Brook and the Trailblazer's Barn (now Sequoia).
All but two of Totem's cabins are gone. And now there are three lodges still further east from Totem: Snow, Scott, and Wolff (Wolff was Neversink for years, now named in memory of Dr. Jerome Wolff). In '66 behind Totem were groves of trees and then the wooded slope down to Pigeon.
Notice that during this particular summer families were permitted to drive their cars to these lower cabins (but never further up the hill--the roads were too rocky).
The road forking off to the left is now a paved road, much wider. Here it was not much more than tire tracks. (Most vehicular traffic went down the lower road.)
See the two figures walking in front of cabin 6? The one in the white shirt...is me.
In the background is Banks Hill. At least that hasn't changed.