Wednesday, July 17, 2013

another window

One of the many great things about our having built a Wellness Center near the dining hall: campers can come to pick up their mealtime medications easily, without being late to the meal. (Previously it had been so difficult to do this efficiently that we had the nurses giving out medications in the dining hall - not the best arrangement to say the least.) So the Wellness Center makes all this easy. Well, no as easy as it should be. We built one window to create a kiosk at the Guenther Wellness Center, so that campers could come to the porch of the building and pick up medications from the kiosk, a nurse inside the window while the kids wait outside. But the one window wasn't enough, and lines formed, long lines, so that, after all, the campers were missing the first part of the meal. Solution? Knock another hole in the wall and build another window. That's what was going on when I snapped this photo yesterday. By now the two windows are open and the lines are short. After all these years we keep trying, one thing after another, to get this just right.