Looking north from the top of Slide Mountain a few days ago. Although the trees at the top have grown up and now you can't command a view from the entire top of the mountain, as you could back in the '60s, there are a few spots where you get a spectacular view. It was in the humid mid-80s as we started up the trail from the road (county road 47, the one that passes through FV), but by the time we got to 4000+ feet, it was less humid and downright cool (low 70s) with a breeze. Fantastic relief and a reward for what really is quite a steep climb. The trail isn't the most beautiful at the bottom (too much travelled), but it's still 2.5 hours up and a real workout. (Going down takes 1.5 hours at most.) The much more interesting and beautiful way up Slide is from the end of the East Branch Neversink Road (by the Tison house), the "back way." A further note: while snapping this photo from this viewpoint, I heard a little bing go off on my phone and realized that from the top of Slide we were picking up the slightest cell phone service. From
where? I don't know. But I actually was able to upload this photo
from the top of Slide and to call my wife Jane to report our successful ascent. I didn't know whether to howl with laughter or with crying at this new aspect of immediacy.