Click on the image above for a larger view. I know you won't believe this but it's true: the summer camp staff (not a well paid bunch) contributed $11,000 toward camperships (financial aid for families who can't afford to send their children to camp) on the final day of staff training in June. The total for all staff (year-round and summer-only) is $29,000 so far for 2011. This we call "Project 332," the aim being to send 332 children to camp who couldn't otherwise come for financial reasons. Of course the overall goal for FV's annual campaign is much larger. But what you see here gives you a sense of how the fund-raising on the part of camp staff continues through the summer. We all wear our tie-dyed 332 t-shirts on check-out day. Counselors who greet parents and receive kudos and compliments ask parents to make a donation to Project 332 instead of the traditional "tip" to the counselor. The village staffs compete to see which raises the most money for camperships. The winning group of staff each session gets to have an evening off at Dan Weir's house - enjoying DVDs and some serious BBQ and grilled eats.
If you're reading this and want to contribute, please go to
http://www.frostvalley.org/ and click on "Help Us Change Lives, Donate Today!"