David Scherer writes: "In the summer of '93 the cabin number sign on Forest cabin 8 got loose (the first time it really did just happen on its own). We renamed it "Cabin Infinity". Sadly a few days later, FV Maintenance came by and fixed the sign. Luckily I had a hammer and was able to refix it. This touched off an epic maintenance battle. Over the next few weeks the sign got so many nail holes that soon it was hard to read the numeral. By the end of the summer it had fallen off completely. I brought it home where it hangs to this day as an infinity symbol."
Pictured from Left: Lee Chapman, Noah Abbot, David Scherer Water (C), Appolllo Bey (C, cabin 7), Lenny Soberman, Damian Frye (JC), not sure, not sure, Collin McCombs, Danny Rodriguez, not sure. A famous cabin group, years later many of these campers became FV staff.