Thursday, August 20, 2009

how it all seems so tied together

I mentioned a little while back that for a third year we have here for 4th session Christine Monahan, who was a camper years ago. She's doing some ESL work with the Tokyo partnership kids. Christine loves being back here and the scenes around her evoke her childhood. I received this lovely note from her this morning:
I saw you tonight in the dining hall, then afterwards watched the Tokyo Partnership "Talent Show." When I was walking back on the path past Big Tree on the way to Lakeview, that story title "Everything Which Rises Must Converge" popped into my mind. When I looked left and saw the night clouds settled over Wildcat, and smelled wood burning in the night air the phrase "Gumbo!" echoed in my head, and I could hear campfire songs from decades ago, and the hair on my arms stood up, and I had no idea what year it was, and if I was a Pokey camper or a graduate student, and it didn't matter, and I came back to Lakeview and read your blog and saw that you mentioned me in the blog, and just wanted to e-mail you about how it all just seems so tied together!