Thursday, June 5, 2008

mice vs. counselor

Another item from an old Wawayanda Wasp - this one not quite so old. It dates from 1968. It's a little item written by a Forest camper that summer named Peter Wallburg, and here it is in full:

"In Cabin 7, the unsuspecting counselor J.C. Pony came back from a meeting. He walked into his cabin where two mice came up to him and shook hands. They sat down to talk about getting the eight big brats out of their cabin."

I remember J. C. Pony very well, and I wish I knew where he was today. (Anyone know of him?) Last summer I started telling a somewhat scary story that involves Pony and overnights to the Haunted House site. Folks from that era will remember him for leading Forest in the cheer, "Has Forest got the spirit?!" (To which we replied, "Yeah, man!!") He had a way of cupping his hands over his mouth, leaning backwards and sideways at once, and shouting hoarsely in just such a way so that he never lost an ounce of cool. We would have followed him anywhere....

Now back to Peter Wallburg. I was a Lenape camper that summer ('68) and very vaguely remember the name of this kid from Forest. Vaguely. But I'm going to guess that he's the same Peter Wallburg was is the son of the elder Peter Wallburg who founded Peter Wallburg Photography Studio in Summit, NJ.