Thursday, August 9, 2012

4 siblings here from one family - ties a record

Right now there are four Robles siblings in camp at the same time, tying a Frost Valley all-time record. Two are campers and two are staff members. When eldest sibling Louis showed up to pick up work, at the last moment, as a driver during third and fourth sessions, he joined sisters Monica (Susky counselor) and Ciara (Pokey) and Gina (Susky). Gina is in Monica's cabin, I think! (Is that a first?) Last night at the huge Susky/Forest/Pokey-Totem Challenge Night, Monica, Ciara, and Gina were all on the same team, and Louis was one of the judges. Anyway, here's a photo of them in the dining hall. Some years ago I wrote a blog entry about Monica when she was a camper. I'm LINKING to that here. Go back to that entry and listen to a recording of Monica on her 14th birthday - I hiked up to a Tacoma overnight and interviewed here there. I think that was five years ago.

It's so good to watch these families grow up in this valley. To say the least.