Friday, June 10, 2011

Mike Ketcham per Dave King

Dave King writes:

"I first met Mike as a camper in the first Lenape Village at Camp Wawayanda in Frost Valley in 1958. He and Bill Haney were together in Cabin # 18, and Jessie Arey was their counselor. It was obvious that Mike had been to camp before, and was great in the village. When we had the first "Olympics", I found out how great an athlete (swimmer) that Mike was. However, I came to realize over many years, that Mike was a true living definition of a "gestalt". Mike was a whole far greater than the sum of his parts.The variety of positions that he held at Frost Valley, his life as a family man, his work in the "Y", are all a part of the pieces which comprise the "picture" of Mike. That one of "my kids" is retiring is a shock to my central nervous system! I am proud of the man that he has become, of his accomplishments, and of his contributions toward making our world a better place!"