Ken Nathanson thinks this might be cabin 6. But the slope seems too steep to me, and the woods too near. Hmmmm. Kenny writes: "Yea, from memory I thought the slope was too steep too, but after seeing the photo of yours that I linked to I see that cabin seemed to have a good slope to it. I don’t see how that could be cabin 14. Cabin 13’s front faced the trail as you walked up and cabin 14 would be to the right. Plus looking carefully at photo there is a lot of open space to the left of that cabin." Here's the view of cabin 6, from further back, in the mid-60s.
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Geoff Hazel is sure this is cabin 13. He was a camper there in 1961 and remembers that as a cabin project the campers painted the then-raw wood cabin with creosote.