Wednesday, May 27, 2009

find someone who was once your own secret sweetie

Click HERE and you'll have a PDF copy of the two-page "Human Scavenger Hunt" we did after breakfast on the first full day of the 2001 (Wawayanda Centennial) reunion at Frost Valley. Most readers of this blog will know how we play Human Scavenger Hunt, but just in case you've half-forgotten: you run around collecting signatures of anyone who can answer the question or can do the task asked. "Find someone who brought the 'Pygmy' stories to Frost Valley." There were at least two of those people in the room that morninng: Bob Hettler and Ken Barton (from Camp Fitch, where the Lake Erie-bound pygmies were first sighted). Or: "Find all the members of the Sacker family who are here at this reunion." Easy--there were two: David and Diane. "Find someone who can briefly explain what this was all about: George Gruner's boycott of Wonderbread." That was in '73, the time of the CIA overthrow of Allenda in Chile and the connection between ITT Bakeries (who made Wonderbread) and the CIA. Okay, get it? Now click on the PDF, download, and see how we'll you would have done.