To date this pic I'm going to have to do some educated guessing. First, where is it shot? They are gathered just to the west of the Girls' Dining Hall (now Geyer), right smack where Lakeview Lodge is currently located. Up at the top of what many know as Hirdstock Field. Behind them and to our right you can see Ricciardi Cabin, which was built in 1967 or 68. And the staff shirts, I think, are from '67. And notice the hill is grassless and stony, which would be still from the construction of the dining hall in '66. So my best guess is 1967.
The crew here are a few professional cooks but otherwise they are the LITs and possibly also the CITs. I hope folks from there era, seeing this, will identify some of the people.
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Later, Myra Margolis Katz send us this: "The picture of the LIT's and CIT's was either 1968, or 1969, I think second session 1969. (I was a LIT first session 1969). The girl in front with the dark hair and blond streak is Suzanne Steinberg."