Just last night I got a wonderful email note from Begonia Albertos from Spain. She and her daughter Lucia (who'd been hearing Frost Valley stories all her life but hadn't made contact even indirectly with us) found us on the web - found my blog, found Frost Valley's web site, etc., and the stories and then the old photo albums started to come out. Begonia was one of our internationals for one summer - 1981. In the coming weeks I'll put up some of her other photos but here's one to start. These are some (not all) of the international counselors that summer, '81. I can't sort out exactly who is who but here first is Begonia's text (names not in order):
Tom Franzkowiak (Germany), Martin Graf (Switzerland), Claude Giraud (France), Ulla Hojstrup, Neils Hybolt (Denmark), Johan Vershoor (Holland), Maggie Tang (Hong Kong), Ron Aggs (Australia), Lucy Arnett, Eric Cahill (England) and Elizabeth Bione (Senegal).
Tom F is standing at left. Eric Cahill next to him. Maggie kneeling at left. Johan is standing at right, his arm around Begonia. Niels kneeling at right, his hands on Elizabeth's shoulders. I believe that's Lucy between Eric and Begonia. And Claude from France bottom middle. Ulla to the left of Claude. Missing from this pic: Ron Aggs and Martin Graf. Both those guys were there in '81 and stayed for several years after. Tom Frankowiak had already been at camp several summers by '81. The others were all just one-summer folks, so far as I remember. And I seem to remember a lot!