Friday, May 16, 2008

of slabs of butter & lack of plans

Dining hall memories: (back from 1963-67):

"you kill it, you fill it". There was an art to taking almost all of the bug juice (milk, butter, bread) so you didn't have to get more, but good counselors were wise to the ploy and made you get more anyway.

Butter. Cut out of those big chunks of Government butter. one time I had 3 pieces on the plate, 3" long and 1" square. I decided to build them into an arch as I walked back to the table. My counselor was not impressed with my architectural skills. My reward was to eat the three sticks of butter, plain. As I recall, it wasn't too hard.

The cooks were amazing. I don't know if I saw it but I understand they could grab two eggs in each hand and break them into the bowl in one go, 4 eggs at a time. For scrambled eggs or french toast.

It was rumored that the dining hall was built without any plans, that it was a "kit" and it arrived on site with no directions. Someone (who?) figured it all out and built it. Any truth to this rumor?

--Geoff Hazel