Sunday, April 27, 2008

April running brooks

The combination of snow run-off from Doubletop and a goodly amount of spring rain makes brooks that a normally just a trickle - and completely dry by August - run fast. Between the dining hall and cabins 21-25 flows one such stream. When Wawayanda first moved to Frost Valley in '58 and for many years later, this was known as Hemlock Brook (named presumably after the village that inhabited those cabins from 1958 to 1983). In recent years it's been called Trickle Brook - apt since, as I say, it's not much more than a trickle most of the year. Most FV'ers know this thing because after a big storm it flows right through the Big Tree Field and then is directed under the county road and after that moves through the horse field and into the Neversink.

If you walk above the dining hall area you'll see that Hemlock Brook also runs along the western edge of cabins 13-17 (formerly 16-20), the site of the newest renovated cabins we've been talking about lots on this blog. If you go to cabin 17 (20) and walk directly behind - "cabin 20's backyard" - you will go down a ravine fairly steeply and there's your brook.

Mid-April '08: right there this creek was running fast, little waterfalls all along the way. Here's one of the pics I snapped.