Tison house (usually called "Red Lodge," I believe) is a Japanese-style building with lots of touches of the Adirondack style too. It sits on a gorgeous piece of property at the very end of the road that follows the East Branch of the Neversink River - through Claryville and miles beyond. It's past Frost Valley's farm, and past Straus/East Valley Ranch. Since the 1970s, Frost Valley has had an arrangement with the Tison family. As I say, the road ends here, beyond which is the trail that heads up Slide (Table, Peekamoose, etc. on the way to Slide) the "back way." It's a gorgeous hike, and much nicer than the wide-trail hike you take up to the top of Slide from the Frost Valley Road/West Branch Neversink road (route 47). The photo here was taken this past July.