Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the Wawayanda Mile - more Olympics

The Wawayanda Mile is the oldest continuing event in the Frost Valley Olympics. Here's the start of one of the heats of this perennially favorite event. The course runs in front of Margetts Lodge, in front of the laundry, turns left on the dining hall road on the eastern edge of Big Tree Field, turns at the Turrell Way rock, continues to the Ad Office/Welcome Center, cuts in front of the Olympic Circle, in front of Smith and then Hayden, and turns left for the last few feet to the area in front of the front doors to Margetts. You'll hear a reference to "the green team." This is not an Olympic team; these are still countries represented by international counselors we have here. No, it's an age designation. Blue, for instance, is for the oldest campers on all teams. So when "blue" campers can compete in an event, the participants are all roughly the same age and size. So this was the green group's running of the Mile. The Wawayanda Mile, by the way, is about 1/3rd of a mile.