Receiving this photo of his nephew's son at the camp of his life stirred memories in Mike, and so he looked around for some definitive evidence of his own long-ago start. He found a photo of his and his siblings' father Frank at the old Wawayanda camp - in 1948. Family camp in August 1948. Mike and John's (and their sisters'?) first time ever at Wawayanda. Here's what Mike has to say, first of the great photo of Isaac and then about his Wawayanda origins:
"And the tradition continues.... Thought everyone might be interested in the attached. Looks like the Ketchams began their Camp Wawayanda/Frost Valley tradition in 1948, not 1950 as I had previously thought. This is a photo of John, my dad (aka Boppy), and me on the dock at the Andover site at family camp. John would be about 9 months old, making me 2 years and 10 months. That dates the picture to August of 1948."
And here is the photo Mike sent: