Monday, July 15, 2013
sunny first day of second session
First full day of second session: sunny! How much easier is the first day of a session when it's not raining? A great deal easier. Just now at lunch I talked with a good many happy kids. What did you do this morning? Waterfront. How was it? GREAT! I mentioned a hole in the bottom of Lake Cole last night at Wawayanda's opening campfire, and whispered into the ear of counselor Sam Nathanson what it was that used to (but no longer) crawl out of that hole, whereupon Sam went a little goofy and ran around as if the knowledge was too much to bear. Naturally, today, most of the kids in the camp are asking Sam to tell them what emerged from that hole in the bottom of the lake, but Sam won't say. Nor will I. It's such fun to hear them asking. They
know it's a fiction, but they also know that it would be fun to know and fun to find out that one just can't know. Kids love camp fictions. Anyway, happy faces all over the dining hall. Over at the director's table, while they dine, their radios rest and convene. Tools of the trade. If it were lunch on a construction site, the leavings on the table would be toolbelts and hardhats. Here, radios.